New England Journal of Medicine : 3 nuove riviste in trial

Attivo 1 mese di acccesso gratuito a tre nuove riviste NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE
  • NEJM Catalyst Innovations in Care Delivery, a peer-reviewed journal focusing on the latest innovations, big ideas, and practical solutions for healthcare delivery transformation.
  • NEJM Journal Watch, which helps clinicians efficiently understand medical developments to improve patient care and foster professional development. It helps them be clinically prepared with succinct and easy-to-read summaries and expert comments in each issue. Over 500,000 people in 178 countries read JW each month. The most important research, medical news, drug information, public health alerts, and guidelines across 12 specialties are summarized and put into perspective by a team of physician editors.
  • NEJM Evidence, which presents innovative original research and fresh, bold ideas in clinical trial design and clinical decision-making.
L'accesso è su piattaforma Ovid tramite il sito della Biblioteca Medica (RISORSE ELETTRONICHE-PERIODICI ...)

  Stampa pagina | Ultimo aggiornamento: 14/06/23
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